Baru, Ali, Willie support Tun M’s call for a non-partisan national govt

Ali, Baru, Moggie at Astana Negara today (Feb 26, 2020).

KUCHING, Feb 26: The three former Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) MPs voice out their support for interim Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s call for a national government that is inclusive and non-partisan.

The partyless trio – Selangau MP Baru Bian, Saratok MP Ali Biju and Puncak Borneo MP Willie Mongin expressed their support for Dr Mahathir in a joint press statement today.

“We reiterate our fullest support for this old wise man to lead the nation as our economy is getting a battering by global issues and now, our country’s political impasse.


“He has the experience and he had saved our country from global financial crisis once before.

“These past few days, the numbers game has put strain on everyone and unnecessarily stressed the nation.

“We therefore welcome YAB Tun’s formula of a National Government that is inclusive and non-partisan. This is a new direction for our country which we wholly welcome,” said the trio.

The three Sarawakian MPs who resigned from PKR on Feb 24 issued the statement in response to the speech made by Dr Mahathir at 4.45 pm just now.

“In an immediate response, we are vindicated by his statement which reflects exactly what we had said yesterday.

“YAB Tun’s statement has reinforced our stance that reconciliation and healing are paramount,” they said.

They echoed the suggestion of Dr Mahathir that the best and wisest way forward is to rise up from this quagmire of instability and build bridges across all sides.

“Reconciliation is not just a fine word but real action that we must all take in order to bring healing to this nation now.

“Again, we ask you to trust us as we navigate a course out of this unfortunate situation. Our priority now is to stabilise the political situation.

“Do not believe everything you read online. Too many false rumours and conspiracy theories are making the rounds. Wait to hear from us to know the truth and what actually transpired,” said Baru, Ali and Willie. — DayakDaily
