PBK president: Investigate KK Super Mart bombings under anti-terrorism act

Voon Lee Shan

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, April 2: Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president Voon Lee Shan asserts that the fact that a sergeant is looking into the petrol bomb attack at the KK Super Mart convenience store in Satok, Kuching, indicates that the police are not taking the investigation seriously.

According to a statement issued today by Voon, simply investigating a case under Section 435 of the Penal Code for mischief by fire or explosive substance with intent to cause damage indicates that police are not serious enough in pursuing the criminals.


He also opined that the attack, which is the third such incident against KK Super Mart, could spark another May 13 in the country if not investigated properly and the perpetrators are not brought to justice.

The PBK president further suggested that a special investigation team should be established, with a more senior and experienced officer leading it.

ā€œAt the same time, in order to allay public fears about terrorism, the police department should issue press statements on a regular basis to update the public on their actions or the status of their investigations.

ā€œAs taxpayers, members of the public have the right to know the status of the police investigation into the case,ā€ he said.

Voon also emphasised the significant impact of the Molotov cocktail, which resulted in property damage along the five footway of the KK Super Mart in Satok, Kuching.

He added that the incident has the potential to escalate into a severe crime, as the nearby rows of shops and the people residing within them could be at risk of fire.

ā€œThere could be a major explosion setting fire to the whole rows of shops where the bomb was thrown to kill people inside the shops, had the gasoline cylinders caught fire.ā€

Furthermore, Voon stated that the police should conduct an investigation into the KK Super Mart bombings under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) 2015.

ā€œPOTA had already officially come into effect on September 1, 2015 and should be put to use to combat such acts. POTA, as tabled by Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi in Parliament, is also to ensure that no individual can escape from any legal action if they were involved in acts of violence and incitement of hatred among people.

ā€œSedition Act 1948 should also be used against haters or people who spread or propagate any material that have ā€˜seditious tendencyā€™ to cause disharmony against various races and religions in the country,ā€ he claimed.

The PBK president also stated that authorities should be advised that selective investigations and selective prosecutions, as well as law enforcement agenciesā€™ inability to detect crimes and arrest suspects in a timely manner, may encourage terrorism and crime.

ā€œLaw enforcement officers should not be seen or have ā€˜dealingsā€™ with people of shabby characters as this can cause members of the public to lose confidence in them to help fight crimes.

ā€œThis is because members of the public will shy away from helping law enforcement officers by providing the information required by the law enforcement officers in combating crimes.

ā€œThe present government is reminded that there are increasing numbers of Sarawakians and Sabahans voicing the needs of Borneo Territories to leave the federation of Malaysia and the government should not blame the peoples of Sarawak and Sabah may take to the streets to demand independence,ā€ he added. ā€” DayakDaily
