PBDS to politicians: Stop politicking, focus on fighting Covid-19

Julius Enchana

By Adrian Lim

KUCHING, Jan 12: Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS) secretary general Julius Enchana has called on all politicians from the government and the opposition to stop all political activities and concentrate the efforts on fighting Covid-19.

Julius in a press statement said this is not the time for politicking as the country is facing a real threat from an unseen enemy.


“Let’s fight the virus together. We are facing (an) unseen enemy, it is the real threat,” he said.

Meanwhile, PBDS president Bobby William said the political party will go for crowdfunding and public donation to raise funds for the upcoming 12th State Election (PRN12).

He added the party will announce the mechanism in the near future.

Citing the brainchild of former Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) secretary-general Rafizi Ramli who did to raise money through Invoke Malaysia, a non profit organisation, he questioned why Dayak based party cannot do the same.

“I admitted that the party lacks funds to fund our political activities, therefore we think the best option that we have is to go for public donation.

“We do not have any businesses, we have no Government Linked Companies (GLCs) etc, but we still have public trust, the Dayaks and that is why we are still here and we will relentlessly speak and voice up the issues affecting the Dayaks community,” he explained.

Bobby said he has discussed the matter of raising funds with his property officers who are the secretary general and treasurer general respectively namely Julius and Sai Malaka and they will bring the matter to the party’s supreme council meeting.

Likewise, Julius expressed his support for public donation and crowdfunding concepts for the party to raise funds.

“We need a new fundamental and paradigm shift and sometimes what we sacrifice today is for a better tomorrow.

“I am not talking about the party itself, but generally that’s the way that we the Dayaks should think of,” he added.

However, Julius added raising funds through crowdfunding will not be implemented so soon by the party and it is subject to the party’s supreme council decision.

“We cannot burden the Dayaks who might have the same thinking as we are to contribute to the party during the current Covid-19 pandemic,” he asserted.

In the meantime, Julius assured the people that they have the numbers of intellectuals who joined the party recently. — DayakDaily
