PBB info chief: Ungentlemanly to make derogatory statements against political opponents

Idris commenting on the defamation case he brought against Dr Ting after the online court hearing to enter consent judgment today (Oct 21, 2021).

By Lian Cheng

KUCHING, Oct 21: Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) information chief Dato Idris Buang calls on politicians across the political spectrum to refrain from making defamatory statements that are baseless against those on the opposite bench.

He said it takes years for a person to build up his or her reputation but it takes only an incident to bring down the person through social media.


“We must make sure all facts are correct and that what we say are the truth. Defaming one’s reputation is actually quite easy to do on social media. Now we build up ourselves from scratch in terms of getting our reputation to be as good as possible, but to defame it, it’s just (take) one incident. It is quite easy.

“That is what I believe some politicians are doing in order to bring down some other people on the opposing side of the political divide. I would certainly appeal to all politicians, especially in Sarawak here, not to resort to defaming their opponents on social media in order to gain political mileage, popularity, or attention or votes. This is ‘un-gentleman’ (sic),” said Idris after settling a defamation suit he filed against former Pujut assemblyman Dr Ting Tiong Choon today.

Amanah Saham Sarawak Berhad (Assar) and Idris who was its former non-executive director had brought Dr Ting to court for four separate defamatory postings on the latter’s social media page on Feb 8, 2109, May 7, 2019, May 9, 2019 and May 10, 2019.

In a Kuching High Court hearing held online today, Dr Ting expressed regrets and retracted the defamatory remarks made against Assar and Idris, putting an end to the defamation suit that was brought against him.

Idris said the consenting judgment showed that the statements made by Dr Ting against Assar and him were “baseless and false and without basis”.

“I really regret that he made such statements. Being a person in politics with a large following, I think he shouldn’t have made the statements in the first place.”

Idris who is also the Muara Tuang assemblyman acknowledged Dr Ting’s expression of regret, and commented: “…this is a clear example of why we should not make statements against anybody, defaming his reputation”.

“Thank you Dr Ting for realising this mistake of his and I hope others in opposition or the government side will take heed of the law every time they make statement,” said Idris. — DayakDaily
