Party of One: Dr M’s first day as interim Prime Minister

Dr Mahathir’s post in his social media featuring his picture and the caption which says “Just another day in the office”.

By Lian Cheng

KUCHING, Feb 25: It seemed like business as usual for interim Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today as images of him were posted on his social media shuffling through papers at the Prime Minister’s Office at Putrajaya with the caption, “Just another day in the office”.

Was it a tongue-in-cheek comment from Dr Mahathir who has been the centre of the storm of memes the last few days? A call for calm amid the political uncertainties following the turmoil? Or perhaps a bit of both?


Today, uncertainties still lingered, especially for MPs whose political futures were greatly affected by the political debacle.

Through it all, Dr Mahathir remained untouched by all political topsy-turvy that happened, even though he is the centre of the current political whirlpool.

When he resigned as prime minister, the federal cabinet ceased to exist. All ministers lost their jobs. But Dr Mahathir emerged the winner in the whole conundrum as he is the only one left with his job, even though he was the first one to resign yesterday.

He is the last one standing (or sitting) in the whole dramatic Malaysian version of Games of Thrones while everybody else is left in limbo.

Dr Mahathir not only resigned as prime minister yesterday but also as chairman from the party he set up – Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM).

Following that, it means that he also resigned as Pakatan Harapan chairman, effectively bringing down the whole Pakatan Harapan coalition.

The chain reaction of his decision has a much larger and far-reaching impact with the fall of Perak, Johore and Melaka state assemblies.

Then there is also the steep plunge in the stock market, and the loss of millions of ringgit.

To Dr Mahathir, it may be just another day in the office, but whatever ripples created from this political coup is just starting to take its effect.

The public is asking in confusion – “What is going on?” – and for those who had cast their votes in the GE14 with the hope of a New Malaysia, there is certainly a sense of betrayal.

What is known for sure is, this whole political wrangling has shaken and irked the confidence of voters towards the government.

For the younger generations who already had distrust against establishments, especially the government, this political drama will affirm their suspicions.

Politicians stirred up a political coup with total disregard to the voters or the public in general; there is definitely a price to pay.

It may just be another day for Dr Mahathir, but it certainly isn’t for all Malaysians, especially the voters. —DayakDaily
