Parents must ensure children gets vaccines according to given date and time

Dato Wee Hong Seng making his rounds to inspect the vaccination programme for students aged 12 to 15 at Majma Mall PPV in Kuching today (Sept 25, 2021).

KUCHING, Sept 25: Kuching South City Council (MBKS) mayor Dato Wee Hong Seng reminds parents to ensure that their children aged 12 to 15-year-old get their vaccination according to the given date and time.

He also reminded them not to forget to bring all relevant documents to avoid any delay or problem during the registration.

“We as the parent need to protect our children from this Covid-19. Our children are our treasure and we need to play our role to ensure they are fully vaccinated and fully protected from this virus.


“Avoid bringing your children to public places at the moment. Stay home as much as possible until they manage to complete two doses of vaccine.

“Children within the said age are very vulnerable and prone to get infected with Covid19. So we need to stay alert at all times,” he said during a visit to Majma Mall vaccination center (PPV) for students aged between 12 to 15-year-old, today.

The site visit was to ensure that the vaccination process for the students are running smoothly without any problem.

The students that received the vaccination today were mainly from SMK Batu Lintang and Lodge School which located under MBKS jurisdiction. — DayakDaily
