Para swimmer wants his one-year overdue pay

Julius with his medal

By Peter Sibon

KUCHING, Dec 28: National para swimmer Julius Jaranding has lodged a police report alleging that the National Sports Institute has not paid his salary and allowances totaling RM72,000 since January this year.

Julius lodged the police report at the Sungai Maong Police station on December 17.


Julius, 33, who hails from Rumah Lulut Sg Tisa Kapit, has been awarded a two-year contract by the National Sports Institute or Institut Sukan Negara (ISN) since January last year.

“I have contributed immensely towards sports development in this country. Is this how they treat me?” Julius told DayakDaily today.

He also produced various documents including the police report and the contract with ISN to state his case when he talked to DayakDaily.

According to him, he signed the two-year contract with ISN on 1 January 2018 under the Podium’s programme for excellent athletes.

Julius readies for training.

During the first year of his contract, he has been getting his basic salary of RM4,500 plus allowances of RM1,500 per month.

“But since January this year, I have not been getting my salary and allowances. So, I hoped the relevant authorities will assist me on this matter,” he said.

Julius is a visually-impaired athlete and has been competing since he was 19.  He has won many medals at both Asian and Asean levels in freestyle and breaststroke categories. — DayakDaily
