Pakatan govt is open to criticism — Chong

Chong glad renewal of quarry operation licese in Kota Sentosa has been stopped.

By Malcolm Lau

KUCHING, Dec 21: The Pakatan Harapan-led federal government is open to criticism and will look at all public complaints seriously.

Sarawak Pakatan Harapan chairman Chong Chieng Jen said Putrajaya will look at the three projects in Batu Kawa recently highlighted by Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP).


The three said projects were carried out under the Implementation Coordination Unit of the Prime Minister’s Department using Chong’s MP allocation.

“Out of the whole 218 metres of tarred at Jalan Kim Sing Off Jalan Kim Choo Seng, Batu Kawa, a 10-metre stretch was found to be wavy,” the Stampin MP told reporters here today.

“The officer reported that the 10-metre stretch was a portion of the road that failed the coring test conducted by the coordination unit upon completion. The contractor was instructed to resurface that part, which would start next week,” he added.

Chong explained that SUPP had highlighted a patch of the road surface with new tar, while the other part was a road with uneven surface at Jalan Batu Kawa-Bau.

He said that the road in the picture shown by SUPP was supposed to be maintained by the Padawan Municipal Council, who he claimed, has neglected their road maintenance duty.

“SUPP showed newly tarred road of Lorong 1, Jalan Sg Tapang done halfway, leaving another part of the road not tarred,” Chong continued.

He pointed out that the fund is enough to tar about 150 metres, instead of 1 kilometre, and the project was focused on the portion of the road which is on a steep slope at the request of the local residents.

“Given the danger that the gravel road going up the slope posed to the road users, we, at the request of the residents, used the limited fund to prioritise the tarring of that part of the road,” Chong said.

He claimed that the residents had requested SUPP to tar the road for more than five years but to no avail. — DayakDaily
