P Ramlee-inspired musical theater ends Taib’s birthday do

Taib and Raghad posing with a guitar on a classic scooter at the 'Irama dan Lagu' Concert in conjunction with his 85th birthday celebration. Photos: Sarawak Information Department

By Nur Ashikin Louis

KUCHING, Oct 10: Head of State Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud’s 85th birthday celebration ends with ‘Irama dan Lagu’ Concert that highlights the artwork of Tan Sri Datuk Amar P Ramlee through a musical theater performance tonight.

The main event ‘Kisah Aku Dan Dia’ featured performances from Dayang Nurfaizah, Hafiz Suip, Fairuz Misran, Ningkan Norman, Nur Hijrah Yahya, Afif Tenor, Chien Ng and Mal Imran accompanied by the Sarawak Symphony Orchestra (SONS) as well as artists from Tini Tyrani Event Management.


The musical theater was broadcasted live on TVS Channel 122 Astro and MYTV and also simultaneously on TVS and Sarawak Public Communication Unit (UKAS)’s Facebook pages at 8.45 pm.

Accompanying Taib at the event was his wife Toh Puan Datuk Patinggi Raghad Kurdi Taib.

Also present were Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg; Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah and assistant ministers.

Sarawak Media Group chairperson Datuk Norhyati Mohd Ismail during her welcoming speech said the special musical theater performance was a tribute to the late P Ramlee of which his artwork not only can entertain the hearts of people from various age groups but it also instill various philosophies of art and the intricacies of the society.

“For the record, tonight’s musical theater will meet the audience through its continuation, Getaran Jiwa, a singing competition reality show themed on the classic artwork of P Ramlee and Saloma.

“This show will meet the audience exclusively on TVS every Friday, at 8.45pm starting Oct 15, 2021,” she said.

She also said with tonight’s event, it is hoped to encourage and develop the creative media industry in Sarawak to a higher level as well as open space and opportunities for production companies and local theater groups to produce interesting and quality content. – DayakDaily

From left: Utilities Assistant Minister (Rural Electricity) Datuk Liwan Lagang, Abang Johari, Taib and Raghad watching the musical theater performance.
The actors enacting a scene in the ‘Kisah Aku dan Dia’ musical theater performance.
Dayang Nurfaizah performing a song at the ‘Irama dan Lagu’ Concert.