Overwhelming response for GPS, says SUPP’s Opar endorsed candidate

Niponi speaking at a gathering at Kampung Sedaing Lundu last night (Sept 17, 2020)

KUCHING, Sept 18: SUPP’s endorsed candidate for Opar Cr Niponi Undek has set up Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) election machinery in 50 per cent of the constituency.

Additionally, he has also visited more than 60 per cent of the areas in the constituency since he has been endorsed by his party’s top leadership.

“The response for GPS has been overwhelming. So, we will continue our efforts to familiarise our voters with the GPS logo,” Niponi told DayakDaily today.


He reiterated that the government of Sarawak is GPS and no longer Barisan Nasional (BN) which they have been familiar with.

“Our new logo is the manuk tikuan in Jagoi Bidayuh dialect and burung ranguk in Selako,” he said.

Niponi (right) and a GPS supporter putting a GPS flag at Kampung Biawak, Lundu recently.

Niponi also explained to the people the difference between GPS and Parti Bumi Kenyalang logo.

“Although they both use the hornbill symbol, GPS logo is clearly stated in the ballot paper,” he stressed.

While visiting the villages, he also reminded the people of the importance to observe the standard operating procedure (SOP) of the new norm due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Besides gotong-royong, we will normally hold health talks to the villages that we visited. So, it’s not just political gathering,” he stated.

Niponi, 58, who was a former director of Public Health College, Kota Sentosa here prior to his early retirement, stressed that he will normally go in a team which consisted of GPS grassroots leaders from all the component parties such as Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB), PRS and PDP.

During his recent visit to Kampung Stungkor Baru, Niponi was accompanied by Cr Benjamin Pieter, Cr Poo Lee, Latak Kalop, Ketua Kaum Igok Jimus and former Katua Kaum Aliang Kusui.-DayakDaily
