Overloaded trailer truck plunges into river at Sawai ferry crossing, driver escapes unharmed

A screenshot of the trailer truck carrying heavy machinery going down into the river at Sawai ferry crossing in Daro on Sept 24, 2024. Photo credit: TVS

By DayakDaily Team

DARO, Sept 25: A trailer truck carrying a grader machine that plunged into the river at the Sawai ferry crossing yesterday (Sept 24) was found to have been carrying an excessively heavy load.

In a news report by TVS, Daro District Police chief Deputy Superintendent Rahim Minios stated that the incident, which occurred around 10.30am, was due to the ferry being unable to support the overwhelming weight.


He explained that the strain caused the ramp chain to snap and break.

“The truck was transporting a heavy grader machine from Bintulu to Daro.

“At the time of the incident, the 51-year-old driver managed to exit the vehicle and save himself,” he told TVS today.

He added that the driver lost several valuable items in the incident, including cash, bank cards, an identification card, and a mobile phone.

A video of the incident has since gone viral on various social media platforms. — DayakDaily
