Open house visits between friends not allowed during Raya or Gawai, clarifies Uggah

Uggah addressing the media during a press conference today. Photo Credit: Sarawak Public Communications Unit (UKAS).

By Adrian Lim

KUCHING, May 15: The State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) clarifies that it has prohibited house visitations during the upcoming Hari Raya and Gawai Dayak celebrations.

SDMC chairman Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas said there was a misunderstanding by the public that open house visits from house to house was allowed during Hari Raya and Gawai Dayak.


“I would like to stress that visitations are only for close family members and friends.

“It should not be more than 20 people at any one time,” he told a press conference at the Old State Legislative Complex to provide the Covid-19 updates in Sarawak today.

Uggah stated that certain quarters had misinterpreted his announcement yesterday that visitations to friends’ houses during Hari Raya and Gawai Dayak were allowed.

On another note, Uggah who is the Minister in Charge for Unit for Other Religion (Unifor) said SDMC was currently refining the standard operating procedures (SOPs) for church mass.

He disclosed that SDMC was working with Unifor to come up with the SOPs the soonest as the SOPs for gathering for the Muslims had been announced.

Uggah said once the committee had finalised the SOPs, he will make the announcement.—DayakDaily

