Only 50 of 300 engineers in Sarawak JKR are professionally accredited, says director

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KUCHING, Oct 18: Out of 300 engineers in the Sarawak Public Works Department (JKR), only about 50 are professionally accredited.

Its director Ir Richard Tajan described the figure as ‘alarming’ and is giving those without the required accreditation three years to acquire it.

“Even if you have years of experience, without the accreditation, the people will see you differently,” he said at the 2022 JKR Senior Officers Conference yesterday (Oct 17), officiated by Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas.


He also said such accreditations would be advantageous for them when facing consultants.

Earlier, he said improving and upgrading the technical competency of the department was one of the steps to enhance its performance in project implementation and delivery.

“All these years, we have depended on consultants who are professionally competent.

“How are we to challenge them if we ourselves are not competent?” he asked.

Toward this end, he said he had introduced an assessment model for every staff to take and pass before they could be considered, as a requirement, for promotion. — DayakDaily
