Online MACC database lists 800 names of convicted individuals

Snapshot of the online Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) website.

KUCHING: Over 800 names of those convicted of corruption, including high-profile titled personalities, are listed on the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) website complete with their photographs, personal particulars and case history.

Sarawak MACC director-general Datuk Badrul Shah Norman said the public should know how serious a corruption offence can be and this is to create awareness on the penalty they will face if they accept or offer bribes.

A check on the official portal shows the database of offenders as a reminder to everyone that it does not pay to accept or give bribes.


The database can be accessed here:

The offenders include politicians, civil servants, business people and self-employed members of the public.

Screenshot of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) list of offenders from the official portal as at 5 Oct 2017.

Meanwhile, a total of 33 government departments and agencies in Sarawak have signed the Corruption-Free Pledge (IBR).

Speaking at the Sarawak Fisheries Development Authority (LKIM) pledge event today, Badrul said IBR emphasised on voluntary integrity pledges made by organisation leaders and staff, in their personal capacity.

“Since this is a voluntary exercise, I can see that Sarawak LKIM has demonstrated sincerity, work commitment and a desire to serve in a conducive and corruption-free environment,” he said.

Apart from witnessing the IBR pledge-taking and signing ceremony, Sarawak MACC also conducted a membership drive campaign for Sahabat Gerakan Revolusi Antirasuah (GERAH).

