Olympic Council of M’sia president: S’wak has potential to host int’l sporting events

Abang Johari (third right) with Abdul Karim (second right), Mohamad Norza (third left), Mohamad Abu Bakar Marzuki (right), and others during the courtesy call by OCM at Wisma Bapa Malaysia in Kuching on March 25, 2024. Photo credit: Ukas

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, March 26: The development of sports in Sarawak, as well as the State’s large investment in developing quality sports facilities, reflects the State’s potential in organising international-level sporting events, says Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) president Tan Sri Mohamad Norza Zakaria.

In a Sarawak Public Communications Unit (Ukas) news report, he said that the potential could also be seen through the preparations being done to host the Malaysia Games (Sukma) this August.


“Sarawak is getting ready to host Sukma, and this is one of the biggest sporting events that our young athletes look forward to.

“Sukma is a platform for them to get involved and continue to be involved, especially in international sporting events like the Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games) in Thailand in 2025 and in 2027 as Malaysia is selected to host it by then,” he said.

He said this after paying a courtesy call on Premier of Sarawak, Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg, at Wisma Bapa Malaysia yesterday (March 25).

Minister of Youth, Sports, and Entrepreneur Development Sarawak Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah and Sarawak State Secretary Datuk Amar Mohamad Abu Bakar Marzuki were also present.

The aim of the courtesy call was to learn more about the development of sports in Sarawak and measure the State’s potential to host international sporting events.

In addition, Mohamad Norza also described Sarawak as a benchmark for other states in terms of sports investment, as it reflects a good strategy for building a developed State that is good for the people.

“Because sports, in addition to unifying the country, also gives opportunities to our young generation as well as paving the way for a healthy and productive generation.

“In Sarawak’s journey towards a developed economy, the development of sports is in line with the current national economy,” he said. — DayakDaily
