Oil and gas players urged to prioritise Sarawakians for employment

Lee (second left), Yii (third right) with Tay (left) and Wang (second right) cutting the ribbon to officially open the new building.

By Jaythaleela K

MIRI, Feb 14: Oil and gas companies are urged to give priority to Sarawakians for employment as locals are just as capable of performing.

In making this call on Thursday during the launching of Transfame Sdn Bhdā€™s new building at Lutong Commercial Centre, Assistant Minister for Tourism, Arts and Culture Datuk Lee Kim Shin pointed out, locals are just as well skilled and capable in the field as their counterparts from outside the state.


Lee added, Sarawak can creating an effective global workforce especially in the oil and gas industry.

ā€œThe industry (oil and gas) has contribute a lot for the state’s development. For example in Miri, the industry has been in existence for over 100 years.ā€

He pointed out, with such familiarisation, locals should be given priority in terms of employment in the industry.

ā€œI believed when they are given the opportunity, they can continuously learn and further develop their skills in the field,ā€ said Lee.

ā€œI hope some of us here, with your expertise, you also can be international consultants (in the oil and gas industry)ā€¦ā€ he said.

Lee applauded Transfame for providing jobs to 2,000 employees, of whom the majority are Sarawakians, saying that it is Sarawak’s policy to give locals priority.

On another matter, he also suggested that the gas and oil industry in the state especially in Miri help the government to promote the tourism sector by organising international conferences or exhibitions.

He pointed out, by hosting these international conferences or exhibitions, it would help propel the cityā€™s tourism sector.

ā€œMany things are connected to tourism … and one are we can look into by organising international conferences or exhibitions.

ā€œConferences help bring in people to Miri and generally to Sarawak. Therefore I urged oil and gas companies to come together and organise these events…. Shell is here and perhaps they can take the lead to organise big international conferences for oil and gas,ā€ Lee opined.

Transfame Sdn Bhd Miri is involved in the upstream segment of the local oil and gas industry ranging from engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning (EPCC) contracts for hook-up commissioning (HUC) to the renewable energy segment. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of BAP Resources Sdn Bhd (BAP).

ā€œIn line with the stateā€™s aspiration, Transfame will be using this new working environment to add value to Sarawakā€™s economy and our ā€˜employ localsā€™ emphasis shall continue. We aim towards becoming the company of choice for integrated services in all aspects of the oil and gas industry locally and globally,ā€ said its chief executive officer Tay Choon Hock.

Also present at the event were Miri Mayor Adam Yii and BAP Resources Sdn Bhd group managing director Kenneth Patrick Wang. ā€” DayakDaily
