Not seditious or illegal for Sarawak to break free from Malaysia, asserts PBK

Voon Lee Shan

KUCHING, Sept 24: There is nothing seditious and illegal for Sarawak to seek independence from Malaysia, asserts PBK president Voon Lee Shan, as the federal government could not simply put any citizen in trouble if Sarawakā€™s independence was sought within the law.

ā€œThe right to exit or for self-determination could be sought if there is intolerable political and economic oppression or suppression by the central government against the legitimate interest of the people of Sarawak affecting their lives, liberty and property.

ā€œThese rights of Sarawakians come with the right to support and defend in the best manner Sarawakians can as being colonised and being suppressed by the federal government,ā€ the Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) leader highlighted, adding that seeking independence is the natural right of those being colonised, based on international law.


In stating this, he further explained that Malaya being in a superior position to Sarawak has made Sarawak a colony.

ā€œThe superior position of Malaya by controlling the federal government had passed laws and policies of arbitrarily taking marine wealth, oil and gas of our homeland, Sarawak.

ā€œMalaya had also failed to provide proper infrastructure like medical care, neglected schools and failed to properly build and complete the Pan Borneo Highway for the past 57 years,ā€ he claimed in a statement today.

As such, he asserted that there was no prohibition under the federal constitution and international law for Sarawak to seek independence, either by the Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) or Independence Referendum (IR) by the state government. ā€” DayakDaily
