‘North Korea’s nuclear, missile programme threat to SEA region’

Malaysian Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh (right) and Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi exchange MoU documents witnessed by Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak (second right) and Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

KUCHING, Nov 22: Malaysia and Indonesia expressed concern regarding North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile programme that will endanger the peace in this region.

Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Indonesian President Joko Widodo remain gravely concerned that such actions could lead to an escalation of tensions in the Korean Peninsula and the Northeast Asian region as a whole, endangering peace, stability and security which in turn could generate adverse impact on the Southeast Asian region.

“Therefore, it is incumbent upon North Korea to fully comply with relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions and return to meaningful dialogues including within the Six-Party Talks framework, with a view to achieve the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula,” the leaders said in a joint statement today.


Both countries also discussed the importance of working with regional partners to address regional security challenges, including terrorism and the threat of returning foreign terrorist fighters, cyber threats, and maritime security, and to support regional stability and prosperity.

Both Leaders reaffirmed commitment to effectively address those existing, as well as emerging transnational challenges and threats that have the potential to undermine regional security and stability through the Trilateral Meeting between Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines on security.

Najib and Joko also witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Malaysia and Indonesia for cooperation in Islamic higher education.

Both leaders recognised that there are difficulties faced by students of both countries particularly in the appliction process for students’ visa and residential cards.

In this regard, both Leaders tasked officials to conduct joint consultations in addressing the matter and finding the best solutions to improve the existing procedures in order to assist Malaysian and Indonesian students in both countries.

Welcoming both countries’ bilateral relations in the last 60 years and the significant growth in political, economic and strategic issues of mutual interest, both Leaders acknowledged the deep historical ties between Malaysia and Indonesia as a foundation for a stronger future partnership.

The 13th Annual Consultation will be held in Indonesia in 2018, at a date to be mutually agreed upon and communicated through diplomatic channels. — DayakDaily
