New Sarawak Cabinet put together with inclusivity in mind

Abang Johari (centre) arriving at BCCK with Uggah (second left), Awang Tengah (third left), Henry, Salang, and Dr Sim (from right).

By Ling Hui

KUCHING, Jan 5: The new Sarawak Cabinet under Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) was carefully put together taking into consideration theĀ composition and interests of the various races and ethnicities in the State.

Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg said it took him 12 days, double the time taken by the late Pehin Sri Adenan Satem, to form his new Cabinet after winning the 12th Sarawak Election (PRN12) last December.


Abang Johari said he had wanted to be thorough in all aspects because it concerned the government’s direction in the new economy to lead Sarawak toward 2030.

He also said the Cabinet is not static and will change from time to time to best suit the situations at any one time.

“With new future and new directions, for sure, there will be alignment (in the Cabinet). We will align it with what we are doing. We must look at the inclusivity.

“But what’s important is that we must fulfill our promises (to the people),” he said during the GPS appreciation dinner held at Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK) here today.

With GPS bagging 76 out of 82 seats in PRN12, Abang Johari urged those who won to deliver their promises and serve with humble hearts.

With great power comes great responsibility, he said, adding that it would not be easy to defend the 76 constituencies in future elections.

“For those who have won the election, let us work together and deliver. Don’t be arrogant with 76 seats.”

Meanwhile, Abang Johari extended the congratulatory wishes from the Government of Singapore and Government of Brunei Darussalam to GPS for winning the State election “with style”.

He said both governments had sounded their continuous support to the GPS-led Sarawak government in coming years.

Among those also present at the dinner were Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hassan, Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) vice-president Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) president Dato Sri Dr Sim Kui Hian, Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) acting president Datuk Joseph Salang, Progressive Democratic Party (PDP) vice-president Dato Henry Harry Jinep. ā€” DayakDaily
