New Miri Hospital building to be operational in August this year, says Deputy Health Minister

Lukanisman (third from left, front row) with other guests at the launch of this year's TB awareness programme in Miri.
By Tedong Rantayy

MIRI, June 15: Malaysia’s Deputy Health Minister, Datuk Lukanisman Awang Sauni, disclosed today that the new building of Miri Hospital is set to become operational this August.

The expansion will significantly enhance the hospital’s capacity, adding a substantial number of beds and new medical units to better serve the region’s healthcare needs.

Speaking at a tuberculosis (TB) awareness programme held at the Jalan Merbau Health Clinic today,  Lukanisman emphasised the ongoing nationwide shortage of medical staff, particularly in Sarawak.


He urged Sarawakians to consider careers as doctors and medical specialists to help alleviate the region’s shortage of medical professionals and improve local healthcare services.

Meanwhile, the TB awareness programme aimed to highlight the severity of tuberculosis, an infectious disease that primarily affects the lungs and spreads through the air when infected individuals cough, sneeze, or spit.

TB remains a significant global health threat and is fatal if untreated. Malaysia continues to combat this disease, with over 25,000 cases reported in 2023.

“Sarawak has a higher prevalence of tuberculosis compared to other states in Malaysia,” Lukanisman stated.

“In 2023, Sarawak recorded 3,177 cases, ranking third after Sabah with 5,814 cases, and Selangor with 5,631 cases.”

Lukanisman expressed hope that the awareness campaign would significantly improve public knowledge about TB prevention and treatment, ultimately reducing the disease’s impact in Sarawak. — DayakDaily
