MPKS not reimbursing residents spending own money doing jobs not approved by council

Dato Peter Minos

KUCHING, Feb 11: The Kota Samarahan Municipal Council (MPKS) will not be reimbursing individuals who have spent their own money carrying out jobs not approved by the council.

“It is established public policy that any tar-sealing or job must first be approved by a local council, plus the payment for the job.

“It cannot be a private individual’s doing, and paying a job first and making claims on the council later. This must be made very clear to all,” said its chairman Dato Peter Minos in a statement today.


Minos said this in response to Democratic Action Party’s (DAP) Michael Kong Feng Nian, who called on the council to reimburse a resident, ‘Mr Soon’, who spent RM16,000 on resurfacing works in front of his home in Lorong 5 of Jalan Stakan following complaints to MPKS about the poor road condition many months ago.

Minos explained that there are many reasons why a job request cannot be done or is delayed — such as lack of funds and other jobs being of higher priority.

“A fair and legitimate job is always eventually done if first approved and funds for it is provided for,” he said.

Minos added that running a local council is difficult, especially if there are constraints on funds and manpower.

“If the demand placed on it is overwhelming with political parties instigating residents to make improper claims and compensations for unauthorised jobs, it makes life difficult for any local council,” he lamented.

He stressed that it is a council’s job and duty to meet any resident’s request, on top of its statutory responsibilities to residents in its jurisdiction.

“As for MPKS, if any staff is found not (performing) to expectations or (is) negligent (of their duties), any resident can file a complaint or input.

“The council appreciates complaints and inputs, as it cannot monitor everything,” he said. — DayakDaily
