MP urges fed govt to improve infrastructure and basic amenities in Tanjong Manis

Yusof Abdul Wahab. Photo Credit: Sarawak Public Communications Unit (UKAS).

By Adrian Lim

KUALA LUMPUR, July 23: Tanjong Manis MP Yusof Abdul Wahab has called on the federal government to improve the infrastructure and basic amenities in his constituency.

Yusof said most of the residential areas in Tanjong Manis were scattered, including those located downstream of Rajang River.


“As an example, Kampung Paloh, Kampung Kedang and Berangan longhouse are located on a big island which is separated from other areas.

“This includes those at Bukit Kinyau, Parit Bugis area, Semaring, Mupong and Gelam Bay.

“Those areas require roads and bridges which need to be upgraded at the existing areas,” he said when debating Yang di-Pertuan Agong’s speech at Parliament today.

He hoped that the Works Ministry would approve the construction of a plantation road which spans across 11 kilometre during the upcoming Budget 2021 and the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP).

Yusof said the road was dubbed the “missing link” between Kampung Penuai and Sungai Nai.

He also appealed to the federal government to provide allocation for the implementation of treated water at Mupong, Gelam Bay, Semaring, Sungai Sian, Muara Payang, Sare, Bukit Kinyau and Stalun.

“It is not fair for the people who are still depending on rain catchment water for their basic needs,” he added.

Yusof said although many areas have been provided with 24-hours power supply, there are people in Tanjong Manis who are still using power generators.

“For instance a longhouse in Mupong, Gelam bay and Semaring are in urgent need of electricity supply and be connected to the main power grid,” he said.

Apart from that, Yusof also brought up the issue of Internet connectivity in Kampung Paloh or Berangan and the whole of Pulau Bruit especially at the north part of the island which include Mupong, Semaring and a few areas in Sare.

He asserted that those areas experienced frequent Internet services disruption and the problem needs to be solved immediately. —DayakDaily
