More time for contractors to complete govt projects due to Covid-19

Uggah (seated second left) in a discussion with Betong agriculture officer Petrus Kang on some of the delayed projects. Looking on are Gerald (right), Richard (behind Uggah) and others.

KUCHING, June 24: Contractors will be given time extensions to complete contractual obligations for all government projects in view of the Covid-19 crisis.

Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas emphasised that the state government accepted that many projects across the state were delayed and affected due to the sudden disruption caused by the Movement Control Order (MCO) to contain the pandemic.

“We have no objection to giving contractors the time extension,” he revealed in a statement today.


Uggah however expressed his hope that all implementing agencies such as the Public Works Department (PWD), Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID), Resident and District Offices, local councils and others will closely monitor the progress of projects when works begin.

“This is in the hope that the contractors will be able to catch up with the lost time. All these projects are very important to the rakyat,” he pointed out.

On Monday (June 22), Uggah who is Bukit Saban assemblyman, had a meeting with representatives from various government departments in Betong over the implementation status of Rural Transformation Projects (RTP) in the division.

He was informed that a number of projects had been inevitably delayed due to the MCO.

Layar assemblyman Gerald Rentap Jabu, political secretary to the Chief Minister Dr Richard Rapu and Betong Resident Friday Belik were among those present. — DayakDaily
