More category E fire stations to be set up in East Malaysia

A representative from Uma Lahanan receives a fire extinguisher from MP Hulu Rejang Datuk Wilson Ugak (sixth right), witnessed by Bomba director general Datuk Mohd Hamdan Wahid (fifth right), Bomba director of safety and fire Edwin Galan Teruki (second left), state Bomba director Khirudin Drahman (fourth right), and representatives from Malaysian Fire Protection Association.

By Nancy Nais

SUNGAI ASAP, BELAGA, Dec 9: The Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia (Bomba) will set up more category E fire stations in East Malaysia, director General Datuk Mohammad Hamdan Wahid said.

Hamdan, who spoke at the Bomba-Malaysian Fire Protection Association (MFPA) Outreach Programme in Uma Lahanan today said special category E fire stations are very much needed for Sabah and Sarawak due the states’ vast geographical conditions.


“Sabah and Sarawak are very different from Peninsular Malaysia. The topographic conditions require more fire stations especially in the rural areas. This is also another effort to provide more fire and rescue services in the interiors, where existing fire stations are too far away from longhouses,” he said.

Bomba director general Datuk Mohd Hamdan Wahid receives a special Orang Ulu headgear during a warm welcome from the community in Uma Lahanan, Sungai Asap.

The department is currently doing a thorough study on this proposal to identify the areas where they should build the E category fire stations which will be finalised soon.

“These fire stations will be equipped with a few officers and voluntary firefighters.

Meanwhile, MP Hulu Rejang Datuk Wilson Ugak thanked Hamdan, the rest of the Bomba management and MFPA for their efforts and initiatives to help the people of Belaga.

Touching briefly on the birth of Sg Asap resettlement, Uggak said all the communities sacrificed their homes and land for the sake of state development when Bakun Dam was built.

Bomba community volunteer firefighters from Uma Lahanan (in red t-shirts) posing for a group photo with Bomba director general Datuk Mohd Hamdan Wahid (tenth left), Bomba director of safety and fire Edwin Galan Teruki (seventh left), state Bomba director Khirudin Drahman (11th left), and representatives from Malaysian Fire Protection Association.

“The folks did not move to Sg Asap because they wanted to. They had to. For the sake of development. So please help us, give them back what they deserve. All they asked for is a fire station.

“Thank you for coming and seeing the real situation yourself. I have spoken about the issue of Belaga desperately needing a fire station for many years in Parliament. Now you know how it feels, to drive from Bintulu to Sg Asap which can take up to three hours on the road,” he said, adding that all these years, they had to depend on fire stations from Bintulu for any emergencies.

Whenever there is a fire here, Uggak lamented, everything will be gone to ashes within 15 minutes.

“I hope the federal government will implement the E category fire station planning as soon as possible. Let us work together for the betterment of the people and please don’t stop visiting us here in Belaga,” he said.

It is also his hope that all the longhouse communities in Sg Asap will remember and practice what they’ve learn over the past two days on fire and safety from Bomba. — DayakDaily
