Miri, Selangau, Sibu, Sarikei, Bintulu, Pusa, Kanowit account for 69% of 750 new Covid-19 cases

File photo for illustration purposes

KUCHING, May 7: Sarawak recorded 750 new positive Covid-19 cases today, almost doubling the number of cases reported yesterday.

The State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC), in a press statement today, said seven districts namely Miri (124), Selangau (111), Sibu (94), Sarikei (53), Bintulu (50), Pusa (45) and Kanowit (40) districts accounted for a total of 68.93 per cent (or 517 cases) of the total number of cases recorded.

“From the figure, 36 individuals were symptomatic, while another 677 cases comprised of individuals under quarantine order,” the committee reported.


Other districts that reported new cases include Pakan (36), Meradong (29), Betong (29), Kuching (22), Song (22), Kapit (20), Bau (17), Saratok (12), Subis (10), Tebedu (8), Limbang (7), Samarahan (6), Mukah (6), Sebauh (2), Lundu (2), Julau (2), Tatau (1), Lawas (1) and Lubok Antu (1).

This brings the total cumulative number of cases to 34,227 cases.

Meanwhile, Pusa and Betong districts had slid into the Covid-19 red zone after recording a total of 46 local cases and 58 local cases repectively in the past 14 days, thus bringing the total number of districts in the red zones to 26 as of today.

Matu District made improvement to return to yellow zone from the orange zone with 20 infection cases recorded in the last fortnight.

As of today, the 26 districts in the red zones are Betong, Pusa, Bau, belaga, Sebauh, Sri Aman, Julau, Lundu, Pakan, Song, Bukit Mabong, Kanowit, Selangau, Saratok, Subis, Mukah, Sarikei, Beluru, Samarahan, Serian, Meradong, Kuching, Kapit, Bintulu, Miri, and Sibu.

Tebedu and Tatau remained in the orange zones while 12 districts namely Matu, Tanjung Manis, Simunjan, Kabong, Marudi, Telang Usan, Lawas, Asajaya, Dalat, Daro, Lubok Antu, Limbang are in the yellow zone.

Currently, no districts in Sarawak are spared from Covid-19 to be in the safe green status. – DayakDaily.
