Ministry and Relevant Agencies study on changing rain distribution pattern

KUCHING: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment is conducting an emergency study and re-evaluation on the change in rain distribution pattern in Malaysia.

Minister Datuk Seri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar said the ministryā€™s and relevant agenciesā€™s previous data are no longer accurate due to ongoing climate change.

ā€œSuddenly weā€™re facing major floods at areas that are categorised as flood-free. Iā€™ve instructed for new evaluation and study on this about three weeks ago and it is expected to complete by mid November,ā€ Junaidi said today.


ā€œOnce the report is complete, we will decide on the next course (of action) and thereafter we will present it to the cabinet,ā€ he added.

Among the other agencies involved are Malaysian Meteorological Department (MetMalaysia), National Flood Forecast Centre (PRABN), National Science Centre and Drainage and Irrigation Department (DID).

Meanwhile, Junaidi said while Malaysians can be glad that it will be a haze free year due to the La Nina phenomenon, there is a high possibility of major flood risk.

Based on the recent reports by Malaysian Meteorological Department, rain distribution in the past eight months showed an unpredictable pattern with unusual heavy downpours this year.

ā€œThe chances for recurrence of the haze are low this year, but concerns over flooding are rising as the country continues to experience unusual, heavy and unpredictable rainfall pattern.

ā€œWe canā€™t even tell anymore whether it is going to be sunny or rainy at any time of the day. It is also obvious that the amount of rain water is increasing,ā€ said Wan Junaidi who is also Santubong MP.

He said all relevant authorities and people living in low-lying areas needed to be prepared for any eventualities following unpredictable heavy rain which may bring about floods.
