Mid-week polling date decried by opposition


KUCHING, April 10: Barisan Nasional (BN) Sarawak and Pakatan Harapan (PH) Sarawak differ in their interpretation of polling on a week day, instead of a weekend like in earlier elections.

State PH chairman Chong Chieng Jen said the fixing of the polling day on a Wednesday, in the middle of a week, was another attempt by BN to try to “cheat (in) the elections”.

“We all know that most of those not working in their hometowns or places they vote are young voters and that a high percentage of young voters are supporters of PH.


“They are the ones victimized by BN who fixed the polling day on a Wednesday. These young voters will be deprived (of) their constitutional rights to vote.

“It is thus obvious that in this GE14 (14th General Election), the BN has no shame and dignity (but) resort to all ways to cheat in order to win,” said Chong who is also Kota Sentosa assemblyman and state Democratic Action Party (DAP) chairman in a statement today.

Meanwhile, Assistant Minister of Corporate Affairs Abdullah Saidol who is also a Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) leader clarified that BN did not fix the date.

“SPR (Election Commission or EC) did. Democracy does not survive on the weekend only,” said Abdullah in a statement.

He pointed out that DAP has been playing politics on a daily basis rather than serving the people, and the party should be well prepared to face GE14 and the masses “anytime of the year”.

Abdullah further added that if the opposition thought the polling date was not in their favour, it would also adversely affect BN.

“If DAP can mobilise so many BERSIH supporters then they should not have any problem mobilising their supporters any time, any place.

“It’s a level playing field. People who care about their future and wellbeing will go out to exercise their constitutional rights,” said Abdullah.

He said it would be up to the people to decide which party to support and the party which has the track record and the ability to bring the nation forward will earn the people’s trust and vote.

“Chong is obviously being jittery. Instead of going out there convincing the people to vote for them like in any democratic practice when facing election, Chong is busy looking for excuses and has started making wicked allegations,” said Abdullah.

He said DAP and their PH partners had nothing much to offer except for fake hope and promises which they have no clue how to fulfil.

“PH and DAP’s political philosophies are all about bluffing for the sake of running a government and to be in power,” said Abdullah.

Citing Penang and Selangor as examples, Saidol said DAP and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) were given trust by the people of the two states respectively. Yet, the two opposition parties could not manage the two states properly, he claimed.

“PH leaders are frail, disillusioned and selfish. Believing that these PH leaders will bring changes and a better deal is insane. People all over the nation will not only vote to secure a better deal from BN but also vote to show their outrage against PH for their mischievous and unscrupulous political practices,” said Abdullah.

EC earlier today announced that nomination day is set for April 28 (Saturday), early voting on May 5 (Saturday) and polling day on May 9, a Wednesday. — DayakDaily
