MIRI: The Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) secretary-general Datuk Sebastian Ting Chiew Yew applauded Miri Disaster Management Committee (MDMC) for taking the initiative in assisting operators and owners of spa and wellness centres and to bear the cost of swab testing.
Following the decision by State disaster management committee (SDMC) in allowing spa and wellness centres to resume operation, MDMC has taken the initiative with the Ministry of Health (KKM) and Miri City Council (MCC) in ensuring all staff members and masseurs in these centres in Miri division to undergo swab testing.
The decisions by MDMC include that all swab testings to be done at KKM and the cost of swab testing for Sarawakian staff members and masseurs to be borne by Sarawak government.
Ting in a statement today, hopes that the operators and owners of these centres will observe full compliance and kind cooperation to carrying out the measure for the safety of its staff members.
It is also hoped that other divisions in the state could follow similar initiatives, as such efforts could largely reduce the burden off the shoulders of the operators in facing the trying times due to the present Covid-19 pandemic.
However, non-Sarawakians and foreigners would have to pay the cost accordingly.
“Though Miri is classified as Green Zone, we must nevertheless remind ourselves that we must continue to practise social distancing, good personal hygiene which includes wearing a face mask in public places,” he concluded.-Dayakdaily