MCWCA requests state help to provide shelters for Miri’s abandoned seniors

Ting (front row, third left) presents goodies to a single mother during the ceremony in Miri today (Nov 15, 2020).

By Adrian Lim

MIRI, Nov 15: The Miri City Women Caring Association (MCWCA) is seeking the state government’s assistance to provide shelters for the homeless elderly in Miri.

Its chairwoman Horry Bujang pointed out that establishing such an elderly care centre can provide an avenue for the homeless elderly to spend the remainder of their lives with a roof over their heads.


“I hope that the state government can look into our request to handle a place for the elderly whom have been abandoned by their families.

“This is important for them to spend their lives with peace of mind,” she said in her speech during a ceremony to distribute aid to single mothers and families in need at a hotel here today, according to a statement.

Ting (right) hands over a packet of rice to a recipient.

Meanwhile, 72 single mothers and 28 families received the aid from MCWCA.

Horry said the association’s main objectives is to eradicate poverty and provide jobs for single mothers.

She noted that during the current economic fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic, many single mothers have lost their sources of income and were struggling to sustain their livelihoods.

As a result, Horry said the distribution of aid to single mothers was timely in order to reduce their financial burden.

Also present during the distribution of aid was Assistant Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Datuk Sebastian Ting who is also the Piasau assemblyman. — DayakDaily
