Marudi assemblyman set on creating legacy before retirement

Penguang when met by DayakDaily in Marudi on Saturday (March 25, 2023).

By Ling Hui

MARUDI, March 27: Marudi assemblyman Datu Dr Penguang Manggil is set on creating a legacy for his constituents before his retirement.

He said the soon-to-be-launched Marudi Waterfront will be one of his major contributions to Marudi as the people’s representative.


In terms of progress, he said, construction on the first phase of the waterfront project is very close to completion while the second phase, which covers construction from the regatta arch square to Kampung Narum, will be tendered out soon later.

“The total cost of the waterfront is RM23 million. It (The project) was supposed to be under the federal government, but when PH (Pakatan Harapan) won (and became government), they canceled the project.

“So, I went to see the Premier, asked for his help and he said ‘okay, we (will) put the project under Sarawak government’. So, this is fully funded by the Sarawak government, including the second phase,” Penguang told DayakDaily when met at the waterfront on Saturday (March 25).

He said Sarawak Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg is expected to launch the completed first phase of the waterfront this year before the Baram Regatta event in August.

Continuing on, he said it would be another goal of his fulfilled when the Marudi Bridge, which was previously a ‘sick’ project due to an incompetent contractor, is completed.

He also hoped that the proposed masterplan to connect Marudi with Gunung Mulu National Park which is an Unesco World Heritage Site and to the other northern districts as well as Sabah through the Pan Borneo Highway can be materialised during his time of service.

Penguang, who is also Deputy Minister for Public Health, Housing and Local Government, said he is confident N76 Marudi constituency would have full electricity coverage by 2025, and more than 100 telecommunication towers in the area would all be erected by this year.

“So, with that connectivity, I’m quite happy. And again, I leave it to the rakyat to judge whether I have done enough,” said Penguang, who is currently serving his second term as assemblyman following the 2021 Sarawak election. — DayakDaily
