Manyin to look into ‘missing’ Gawai Dayak holidays from school semester schedule


KUCHING: Education, Science and Technological Research Minister Datuk Seri Michael Manyin Jawong will look into the issue of whether the Gawai Dayak festive holidays are excluded from school holidays next year.

Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah said he had communicated with Manyin on this matter and the latter will check with relevant counterparts when he is back in Sarawak.

“We have communicated with Manyin, but he is overseas now; when he returns he will then check with his counterparts,” he told reporters today after the opening of the inaugural International Conference on Borneo Book Publishing & Borneo Books 2017 here.


However, Uggah reserved his comments, saying ‘speculation is not wise’, until he gets confirmation from the Ministry of Education on the matter.

Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak Baru (PBDSB) had recently questioned why Gawai Dayak, which has always been included in the school holidays in the past 54 years, is excluded from the 2018 school holiday schedule.
