Manyin ready to defend Tebedu seat in state elections if given mandate

Datuk Amar Michael Manyin Jawong

By Peter Sibon

SERIAN, May 27: Tebedu assemblyman today has indicated that he is still keen to defend his seat in the coming 12th State election which many predicted would be held soon.

“It’s a very good question and a very good question not t to answer also,” Manyin told the media after he was asked whether he will defend his seat which he has held since 1996.


When pressed further, Manyin, who is also Minister of Education, Science and Technological Research reiterated that he would not be able to answer such a question as it was under the prerogative of the Chief Minister.

“It’s better not to answer. I’m healthy but I’ve been there for the past 25 years. (So), just leave it to CM to pick the candidates. We can make recommendation but it doesn’t mean that the CM will follow ours. Anybody can put a suggestion to CM,” said Manyin.

However, Manyin who is also senior-vice president of PBB, the lynchpin party in Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS), stressed that he will still lead the GPS machinery in the eight Bidayuh-majority seats in the coming election.

“I will lead. That makes no difference (even if I’m not nominated) because I will be still a (full) minister in the caretaker government (during election time). It’s my responsibly to lead,” he said.

When asked of his biggest contribution for Serian, Manyin said his biggest achievement was when it was elevated from a district to a division.

“Whatever that I have completed is not my personal contribution but as a duty and responsibility as a minister. So, I don’t want to claim all the credit. The credit goes to the people,” he said.

During his tenure as an elected representative for Tebedu, he has been able to provide electricity and water supplies and tar-sealed road to most villages.

Meanwhile, Manyin believed that in order to develop Serian Division by 2030, the people must work hard to develop their land and at the same time, the government must help market the products.

“The future for Serian is agriculture. You have the land, you have the manpower but you don’t have the market. So, you can plant anything but there is no market, like durians, pineapples and all the rest. You can plant a lot, but the people will be frustrated.

“So, I hope Deputy Chief Minster and Minister of Agriculture, Native Land and Regional Development Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas can get FAMA and other government agencies to market the products. Once that is solved, then agriculture will be the biggest industry in Serian division,” he added.—DayakDaily

Manyin (in red cap) being interviewed by the media after he accompanied Minister of Domestic Trade and Cmsumer Affairs Datuk Alexander Nanta Linggi checking prices of controlled items at Serian wet market today.