Many possible candidates for Baleh including Masing’s widow, daughter but list not finalised yet

Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum

By Lian Cheng

KUCHING, Nov 11: Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) has yet to finalise its candidate list, where the party aims to recommend only one name for each constituency.

Its deputy president Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum when contacted said before the finalisation of the candidate list, anyone has the opportunity to be fielded, including its late president Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing’s widow Puan Sri Corrine Masing and their daughter Karen Julan Masing, as well as other leaders in the area.  


“A lot of names have been mentioned. Of course, there are names more obvious than the others. It is just normal. People are asking, talking and speculating. But we have not finalised the candidate list yet.

“Many are under consideration. We will listen to everyone, and after we have garnered enough information, we will decide and we will let the chief minister know.

“But we are leaving it to Baleh Division to give recommendations and suggestions first,” said Salang.

He said the party would try to submit only one name for each constituency and for the time being, nothing has been submitted to Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) chairman Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg.

On Masing’s announcement prior to his passing that all incumbents will be fielded, Salang said Masing’s will will be respected, but other factors will also have to be taken into consideration.

PRS held 11 seats after the 2016 Sarawak Election. These seats were Balai Ringin (Datuk Snowdan Lawan), Bukit Begunan (Datuk Mong Dagang), Batang Ai (Datuk Malcom Mussen Lamoh), Ngemah (Alexander Vincent), Tamin (Christopher Gira), Kakus (Datuk John Sikie Tayai), Pelagus (Wilson Nyabong Ijang), Belaga (Datuk Liwan Lagang), Murum (Chukpai Kennedy Ugon) and Samalaju (Majang Renggi).

Its president Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing, who passed away on Oct 31 this year, held the Baleh seat. 

The question surrounding his succession in terms of the Baleh seat is thus now of great interest to the public, especially now that the 12th Sarawak Election may be held at any time within 60 days following the dissolution of the Sarawak Legislative Assembly on Nov 3, 2021. — DayakDaily
