Man sentenced to 10 years imprisonment and whipping for raping a minor

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SIBU, Sept 17: A  man was sentenced to 10 years jail term and six strokes of rottan by the Sessions Court today for raping a 13-year-old girl.

Justice Marutin Pagan who presided over the case, ordered that the accused, Azizie Tamizie Abun to serve his sentence from the date of his arrest.

Based on the brief facts of the case, the accused had sex three times with the girl on mutual consent from July to September at his house in Kampung Bahagia Jaya, Teku.


The girl had admitted to her father on Sept 8 that she had sex with the accused after her father asked her why she was not at home on Sept 6.

Her father subsequently lodged a police report.

A  police team went to the accused’s house at 8.40pm and arrested him.

The accused was charged under Section 376(1) of the Penal Code where the offence provides for an imprisonment of not less than 10 years but not more than 30 years plus whipping. — DayakDaily
