Man faces charges for assaulting wife over money for kitchen, baby supplies

File photo for illustration purposes only. Photo: Pixabay

By Dorcas Ting

KUCHING, June 24: A man was brought before the Magistrate’s Court here today, facing charges of kicking and hitting his wife in anger after she asked for money to buy household and baby necessities.

However, no plea was recorded from the accused after the charge was read before Senior Assistant Registrar Pele Setar@Stephen, who was sitting as a First Class Magistrate.


According to the charge, the golf caddy intentionally caused injury to his 39-year-old wife at their home in Kampung Semerah Padi around 8am on November 19, 2023.

Sahari is accused under Section 323 of the Penal Code, read together with Section 326A of the Penal Code, which carries a penalty of up to one year in prison or a fine of up to RM2,000, or both, if found guilty.

It is understood that during the incident, the victim asked the accused for money to buy kitchen supplies and baby items. Dissatisfied with the request, the accused allegedly became angry and kicked and hit his wife, causing minor injuries to her lip and left knee, as well as pain in her left and right arms.

Fearing for her safety, the victim filed a police report for further action.

The court has set the case for mention again on June 26.

The prosecution was handled by Prosecuting Officer Inspector Nur Shafiqa Nyaie Ilin, while the accused was represented by lawyer Ralph Lee Zhen Jie.

Earlier, on June 28, 2023, the couple was ordered to complete a good behaviour bond for an offence under Section 67 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) for verbally fighting and injuring each other.

They were accused of fighting with each other on June 23, 2023, around 6.30am at the same residence. The argument reportedly stemmed from the wife’s request for money to buy necessities for their eight-month-old baby. — DayakDaily
