Malaysia was stillborn when founded in 1963, claims former rep

Voon Lee Shan

KUCHING, May 13: Former Batu Lintang assemblyman Voon Lee Shan opines that Malaysia was ‘dead’ ever since the nation was founded because of complications leading up to and during its formation and no act of Parliament will be able to fix this.

“Malaysia was like a stillborn child when born on 16.9.1963. The conception and pregnancy met complications in the womb of the mother. Therfore, when born, the child, Malaysia, was dead.

“The MA63 (Malaysia Agreement 1963) was the death certificate that showed the child, Malaysia, was born a dead baby, in which no official could rectify this fact.


“Parliament cannot rectify this fact to breathe life into the federal constitution to validate the birth of Malaysia. MA63 being a Treaty signed by many nations could not under international law be rectified by the Malaysian Parliament. If Malaysian Parliament is going to rectify this, how would the international community look at Malaysia?”

In a press statement yesterday, Voon said without looking into the history behind the birth of Malaysia, Malaysians will not do justice to themselves. He also asserted that decolonisation should have taken place before Malaysia was formed.

“[The] Cobbold Commission Report should not be disregarded. It was the starting point that arose from the predetermined idea of Britain to hand over Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak to Malaya and the eagerness of Tunku (Tunku Abdul Rahman) to rob [sic] in at least Sabah and Sarawak into the Federation of Malaya.

“The Cobbold Commission Report was used to (run) over the obstacles set by the United Nations Resolutions 1514 and 1541 for colonies to gain independence but this had been disregarded. There must be decolonization first before colonies should be allowed to determine their political future, but, this was not done.

“Instead the Cobbold Commission Report was used to justify the wishes of the peoples of Sabah and Sarawak that they had determined their political future by forming Malaysia without the need to be declonized first.”

Voon said without the Cobbold Commission Report, there would be no MA63 and without MA63, Malaysia would not exist.

He claimed Pakatan Harapan, Parti Warisan Sabah and Gabungan Parti Sarawak GPS had conveniently disregarded to consider the Cobbold Commission Report but had focussed on MA63 when seeking the amendment to Article 1(2) of the Federal Constitution. — DayakDaily
