Malaysia may want to stock up on sugar, rice, oil due to Ukraine-Russia war, says PBK president

Voon Lee Shan

KUCHING, Feb 27: Malaysia may want to consider stocking up on sugar, rice, and oil to prepare for the possible food shortage due to the Ukraine-Russia war, opined Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president Voon Lee Shan.

He said Malaysia needs to be prepared against supply chain chokeholds and leaps in prices of raw materials, food, oil, and gas.

“The war can slow down economic activity and cause rising prices of food and materials.


“Most Malaysians are not rich, and they will be affected most as they may spend a higher share of their income on food, petrol for their cars, and gas for their domestic use,” he said in a statement today.

At the same time, Voon added, the government needs to ensure sufficient supply of medicine and medical equipment in the country for the needs of the people.

“If superpowers may get themselves involved directly or indirectly in the war, we should be prepared for the worst,” he said. ā€” DayakDaily
