Making dishonest E-Health declarations is an offence: SDMC

Uggah addressing a press conference.

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, June 24: Members of the public who do not declare truthfully their travel history and health status in the E-Health declaration form upon entering Sarawak will be committing an offence.

State Disaster Management Committee chairman Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas advised Malaysians, including Sarawakians, to honestly fill in the E-Health declaration form for the benefit of everybody.


“Those who dishonestly misinformed the authority when filling the e-health declaration form is an offence.

“If the information is incorrect like the case in Miri who was picked up by her husband… now her husband is a person-under-investigation (PUI) case.

“This case is under investigation and we will announce the outcome later,” he told a press conference on Covid-19 today.

The deputy chief minister explained that the positive case in Miri was an imported case as the woman who tested positive for Covid-19 had returned from Tunisia recently and was on transit via Kuala Lumpur (KL).

“She took the RTK Antigen Test which came back negative. In KL International Airport (KLIA) later, she was randomly picked for the PCR Swab Test for transiting passengers including Malaysians coming back from overseas.

“The PCR test result was only known the next day but instead of waiting for the result, she flew back to Miri on the same day.

“Regrettably, she failed to declare in her E-Declaration form that she had travelled to Tunisia recently. Thus, she was not subjected to the quarantine requirement,” he added.

It was the following day, Uggah said that the Miri Health Department was informed that her PCR test was positive for Covid-19.

As such, SDMC has decided that all Malaysians returning from overseas including on transiting flight on the same day will be required to undergo 14-day quarantine at the final disembarkation destination upon arrival in Sarawak.

“Covid-19 PCR test will be taken on the second day. If the result is negative, they can continue the rest of their quarantine at home. The second swab test will be taken on the 10th day,” Uggah said.—DayakDaily
