Makeover for Jalan Arang recreational park gazebo shelter

Lo (right) and Lai holding the hardscape plan for Taman Wawasan recreational park at Arang Road here

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, March 9: The old and only gazebo shelter at Taman Wawasan recreational park in Jalan Arang here will get a RM150,000 makeover with a bigger shelter that can accommodate light and leisure activities.

Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) chairman Lo Khere Chiang emphasised that this project funded through his RM5 million Rural Transformation Projects (RTP) allocation will provide an open space with roof for people to use for leisure activities like group exercise or dancing.


“Initially, the plan was to construct a high roof shade structure over the basketball court but it was put off as residents were not in favour as it would be too noisy with children playing basketball and disturbed the peaceful environment.

“Jalan Arang Community Association chairman Lai (Jun Man) then suggested building a simpler and lower shelter for community to use for leisure activities.

“Now that more and more people are taking time to exercise and take care of their health, children going outside to play, I think this is a much needed upgrade,” he told reporters when visiting the park today.

According to MPP Building Section work superintendant Hartini Ahmad, construction should start before the fasting month and will take about four months to complete.

The other upgrading works on the park include resurfacing concrete footpath, benches, and concrete drains.

Lo, who is also Batu Kitang assemblyman, pointed out that annually, MPP implemented about 200 to 250 small size projects while the bigger and major projects involving roads, drainages and bridges were undertaken by Public Works Department (JKR) and Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) Sarawak.

“As an elected representative, I’m happy to be able to go down to the ground, listen to the people and make use of the grant provided by the GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) State government to improve and build projects that benefit the locals.

“Thanks to CM (Chief Minister) Abang Jo (Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg), we are able to implement all these projects,” he said.

With many things to be done, Lo added that they included addressing serious erosion and drainage problems.

He thus encouraged communities to come together to hold ‘gotong-royong’ for projects which will be funded by the State government through RTP.

“I am hoping that we will have more money especially to improve the dilapidated drains in housing areas. Hopefully DID will be able to help construct bigger monsoon drains along Jalan Datuk Amar Kalong Ningkan.

“It is already under the 12MP (12th Malaysia Plan) and I am hoping it will be approved,” he said.

Lo also urged people to raise their problems and give feedback or suggestions to their community leaders like Kapitan, Penghulu as well as associations chairmen and councillors so to bring more projects that would improve and upgrade the living environment. — DayakDaily
