Machan assemblyman contributes laptops to Kanowit District Health Office

Allan (third left) taking a group photo after the handing over ceremony, together with medical staff and officers from Kanowit District Health Office, as well as the local community leaders. Photo credit: Ukas

KUCHING, June 11: Machan assemblyman Allan Siden Gramong contributed a total of six laptops to Kanowit District Office to help expedite the vaccination programme in the district, last Thursday.

According to a news report from Sarawak Public Communication Unit (Ukas) today, the equipment was handed over to the Kanowit District Vaccination Center (PPV) Coordinator Usik Ngadan, witnessed by medical officers from Kanowit Hospital and the local community leaders.

The contribution is intended to complement the existing facility in the PPV in the district and at the same time ensure that the process is carried out smoothly. — DayakDaily
