MACC should go after “big fish” instead of focussing on sick leave abuse

Senator Robert Lau

KUCHING, Jan 6: Senator Robert Lau has criticised the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) for highlighting sick leave abuse as a corrupt practice by the medical professions through a video uploaded on the commission’s website.

Instead, he said MACC should investigate bigger cases involving ‘big fish’ rather than highlighting sick leave abuse as corrupt practice by medical professions which is just petty cases.

“Malaysia’s corruption has involved many high and mighty. These cases not only give Malaysia a bad name internationally but has become a reflection of what is wrong with our country.


“The video accusing the medical professions is inappropriate and risible,” he said in a statement today.

Lau who is also Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Bawang Assan chief believed the issue of sick leave abuse is insignificant when compared to complaints on other agencies or bodies.

He pointed out that doctors and nurses who are frontliners working hard fighting Covid-19 in the past two years should be appreciated rather than being embarrassed and ridiculed.

“MACC must deal with the real issue and concentrate the fight on corruption where it is most rampant.

“Using the issue of sick leave abuse as corruption shows the agency is really out of touch with reality,” he added. — DayakDaily
