Lowering crime rate is going to need everybody’s cooperation, says MPP chairman

Lo (left) presenting the cheque to a representative from SK Haji Baki.

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, Jan 9: Government agencies, the police force and local councils, as well as the community at large must come together to tackle, reduce and deter crimes.

Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) chairman Lo Khere Chiang observed that drug abuse and crime was rampant not only in urban areas but also villages.


“As such, it is our responsibility, especially the police force and local councils, including the people, to address crime problems so they can be eradicated or at least lower the crime rate.

“It is sad to note that drug abuse and crime cases often involved or linked to teenagers including students. What will happen to the future generation if this problem is not tackled from now,” he pointed out.

He highlighted this at the Safety and Security Dialogue with Community programme held at the compound of Masjid Darul Ehsan of Kampung Haji Baki here today.

The programme was jointly organised by the Padawan District Police Headquarters and Padawan Municipal Council (PMC) in collaboration with Kampung Haji Baki Village Security and Development Committee (JKKK).

Lo, who is also Batu Kitang assemblyman, said such dialogue would benefit not only the local community but also help in strengthening the ties between authority, local councils and the people.

“In this advanced technology era, it is easier for us to communicate and raise awareness to the community. But dialogue such as this must continue to be organised because this will help create a direct two-way communication between the authority and community,” he said.

He assured that the local council was ever ready to assist and support the police force in making community programmes successful.

Lo urged people not to be afraid to report any crime to the police as the community and residents played important roles in lowering the crime rate.

“The police has developed the Volunteer Smartphone Patrol or VSP apps to enable people and the authority to form strategic collaboration and cooperation in crime prevention.

“People can channel information including multimedia materials such as photo, video, location GPS coordinate via the app to the police,” he said.

Lo hopes to see more of such programmes organised consistently and continuously so that the relevant organisations can work together in combating crime in the community.

He also announced a RM3,000 grant to SK Haji Baki’s Parent-Teacher Association. —DayakDaily

Lo (right) together with Lim (in blue uniform) after cutting the ribbon to unveil the programme banner as symbolic to mark the opening of the event. Also seen is Ahmad (third left).