Loss of confidence in Malayan-based parties, 122 joins SUPP

Dr Sim (centre) receives the membership application. To his left is Goh. Also seen is SUPP Satok vice chairman Shankar Ram (third left) and deputy chairman Prof Hamsawi (third right).

KUCHING, Dec 7: Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Satok chairman Goh Leng Yeu said the branch received 122 new membership applications today.

Goh, in a statement, claimed the 122 individuals have expressed confidence in party president Datuk Seri Dr Sim Kui Hian, especially in fighting for Sarawak rights.

“I am glad to announce that 122 members are joining SUPP Satok. They know the struggle of SUPP all this while to protect Sarawak rights and have more confidence in our party president, seeing his relentless effort for Sarawak,” he alleged.


Goh also claimed that the new members said they have lost confident in Peninsular Malaysia-based political parties, citing recent events and conflicts among the political parties had contributed to the lost in trust.

However, it was not revealed whether the 122 individuals have ever become members of other political parties.

Tan Kai (third right) at the RTP project handover ceremony.

Meanwhile, the futsal court upgrading project at Taman Sri Cahaya Tondong, Sg Moyan, has been approved under the Rural Transformation Project (RTP) in the Batu Kawah constituency.

According to SUPP, the upgrading project was submitted by Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Seri Dr Sim Kui Hian under the request from the residents to have a better and safer venue for their futsal activities.

“This RTP will cost RM230,000 and is expected to be completed within four months. Padawan Municipal Council has awarded the project to the contractor today, witnessed by political secretary to the chief minister, Tan Kai,” the party said.

With the upgrading of the futsal venue, Dr Sim hopes that residents could better utilise it by having more activities and organise futsal matches in order to build rapport among residents and have a healthy lifestyle, SUPP continued.

Taman Sri Cahaya Tondong, Sg Moyan’s management is under the purview of the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) and the futsal field is registered under HDC, thus, it is the property of the Sarawak government. — DayakDaily
