Less campaign materials: We’re victims of GST too, says DAP

The sparse display of DAP campaign flags and banners at the Padungan roundabout in Kuching.

KUCHING, May 2: Sarawak Democratic Action Party (DAP) chairman Chong Chieng Jen has apologised to opposition supporters for fewer campaign materials this round as printing costs have skyrocketed due to GST.

“This time around, the cost of campaign materials has gone up so much. Like all other residents, the people of Sarawak, we have had to cut down on a lot of other things just to make ends meet.”

He said cost of materials, printing cost, flags, and labour, had increase 30 per cent, so they had no choice but to cut down on expenses.


“I hope people understand this, we are all victims of GST,” the DAP candidate for Stampin told reporters in their daily press conference today.

Chong said Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) could overwhelm them with flags and banners because they had plenty of money to fund their campaign materials.

“They (SUPP) are the recipient of GST, we are the payer of GST. That’s why I said, this is a battle between the Rakyat and the UMNO regime,” added Chong.

Meanwhile, DAP candidate for Bandar Kuching Dr Kelvin Yii, pointed out that the manifesto of his opponent, SUPP’s Kho Teck Wan, is misleading and full of lies.

Kho had claimed that Bandar Kuching parliamentary constituency has missed out on millions in development funds under the opposition.

Dr Yii shows a copy of Kho’s manifesto.

Dr Yii pointed out that development is the responsibility of the ruling government and Kho, being a councillor, should be aware of the jurisdiction and responsibility of the council.

“Putting the blame on the opposition is not only hypocritical, but in actual fact is pointing the finger at the failures of the Ministry (of Local Government and Housing) and also the local council.”

To counter to Kho’s claims, Yii listed out a few ongoing development projects in Kuching which costs billions, such as the central sewerage system, new Sarawak Museum building, and so on. — DayakDaily
