Kpg Stampin Iban Baru’s community hall gets new look thanks to Kota Sentosa rep

Yap (third right) witnesses the handing over of the community hall from A.D Line Enterprise (on his right) to Tuai Rumah Christopher Chaong while others look on at Kampung Stampin Iban Baru on March 1, 2024.

KUCHING, March 1: Kampung Stampin Iban Baru’s community hall is now equipped with a new kitchen, toilets and a store room.

Kota Sentosa assemblyman Wilfred Yap in a statement today said the community hall’s upgrading project worth RM100,000 under his Rural Transformation Programme (RTP) funding, was implemented by A.D Line Enterprise.

Following the completion of the repair works, Yap together with officers from the Public Works Department (JKR) witnessed the handing over of the community hall from the contractor to Kampung Stampin Iban Baru’s village security and development committee (JKKK) at the site today.


It was previously reported that the villagers of Kampung Stampin Iban Baru had earlier requested assistance as the condition of the community hall was not satisfactory to serve the needs of the residents. — DayakDaily
