KPDNHEP may review Covid-19 self-test kits ceiling prices

File photo of rapid self-test kits.

KUCHING, March 10: The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) is looking into the need to review the ceiling prices for the Covid-19 Antigen RTK (self-test) kits.

Its minister Dato Sri Alexander Nanta Linggi said the maximum price of self-test kits is now set at RM19.90 at the retail level and RM16.00 at the wholesale level under the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act 2011.

“From the aspect of supply in the market, the government has gazetted the Covid-19 Antigen Rapid Test Kit (self-test) as a controlled item under the Control of Supply (Controlled Goods) Order (No 6) 2021 on Nov 24, 2021 and was enforced on Dec 1, 2021,” he said.


Similarly for face masks which are now essential items for every household, he said KPDNHEP has gazetted face masks as a controlled item under the Control of Supply Act 1961 and set the maximum price under the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering (Maximum Price Determination) Order 2020 on Nov 1, 2020.

Currently, the maximum retail price for one-layer face mask is 7 cents per unit, two-layer at 20 cents per unit, and three-layer at 70 cents per unit.

To ensure face masks and self-test kits are sold according to set prices and a continuous supply even during high demand period, enforcement, inspection and monitoring by KPDNHEP Enforcement Division is always done at every level such as manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers.

Meanwhile, Nanta said KPDNHEP will consider setting ceiling prices for oximeters and temperature measuring devices if necessary.

“In relation to the Honorable Member’s proposal for the Ministry to set the ceiling price of oximeter and temperature measuring devices, I appreciate and welcome the proposal.

“On the part of the Ministry, pricing on the device will be implemented if there is a need, he said in Parliament today.

Nanta was answering the question of Rasah MP Cha Kee Chin who inquired whether the ministry will review and reduce the ceiling prices of face masks and self-test kits besides setting the ceiling price for oximeters and thermometers. — DayakDaily
