Katibas lawmaker: 80 pct internet coverage in Katibas, despite being deep in interior

Lidam Assan

By Lian Cheng

KUCHING, April 28: Following the accomplishment of having 80 per cent internet coverage in his constituency, Katibas assemblyman Lidam Assan says he would be very disappointed if any constituents were to climb a mountain or a tree to get a connection.

Understanding that physical connectivity such as roads and bridges will take a much longer time and a lot more allocation to be put in place, he set the target to bring internet to the area first.


“If they can’t be connected physically, then they should be connected online. 

“So when I was elected, the first thing I did was to make sure that there is internet connectivity. I submitted my request to Sarawak Multimedia Authority (SMA) and the agency came in to install many VSATs (very small aperture terminal) across Katibas constituency.

“Due to the efforts of SMA, now my area is well covered in terms of internet connectivity. In terms of connectivity, Katibas is 80 per cent covered,” Lidam told DayakDaily.

Katibas PBB service centre, is well visited by teachers, students and member of the public needing internet services.

Apart from the coverage, Lidam and Kapit MP Dato Sri Alexander Nanta Linggi have set up four terminals in their service centre where all are welcome to use the internet services, with desktop computer units also available for use.

Since internet services were provided, Lidam has seen teachers, students and members of the public coming in droves to use the facilities there, free of charge.

“I will be very upset if I find out that anyone in my constituency had to hike up a mountain or climb a tree to get a connection. Far as we are from the mainstream development, I will try myself to provide for the people all basic infrastructure that they need.

“It is my duty and I will do so for them. If they need anything, they are most welcome to contact me and let me know. They have elected me for a reason, then they should trust that I will try my very best for them,” said Lidam.

Lidam said he understood that there is still a lack of physical connectivity in his area. As a first term assemblyman, however, he already has a masterplan for road connectivity for his constituency which he will submit to the authorities for approval. — DayakDaily
