Julau resembles Wild West, claims MP after encounter with gangsters during CNY visiting

Datuk Larry Sng

KUCHING, Feb 15: Julau MP Datuk Larry Sng wants the relevant authority to curb alleged gangsterism taking place in Julau before it escalates into a bigger social issue.

In a Facebook post today, Sng disclosed that while visiting the Chinese community in conjunction with Chinese New Year in Julau, he came across some local gangsters who were looking to cause trouble.

He said despite not being injured during the incident, it has since come to his attention how quickly the once peaceful rural town of Julau now resembles the Wild West.


“Throughout over a year, the introduction of online gaming has carved up Sarawak’s cities and towns into various districts controlled by gangsters from different groups,” he claimed.

According to Sng, in Julau, apart from online gaming, the gangsters’ illicit activities have expanded from selling drugs, and contraband (cigarettes and liquor) to illegal money lending.

He alleged gangsters have forced local coffee shops to buy their contraband in Pakan and Julau and have squeezed the profit margins from the shopkeepers.

“Those who resisted were threatened. In one instance some months ago, “Batu” (crystal methamphetamine) was sold in public in Julau town to demonstrate that they were untouchable,” he claimed.

Sng disclosed he had been informed that some public servants and tuai rumah have come into debt and are desperate to sell their land and borrow money to repay these gangsters who are charging them “along” (loan shark) interest rates.

“Many of these people cannot afford to repay them and are often threatened by force. The latest incident is a display of stupidity and arrogance on the part of these people.”

Sng said that he did not wish for this to escalate, but if their activities continue in such a brazen manner, the authorities from Bukit Aman will need to come down hard on them.

“This is a total disregard of law and order and such matters must not be taken lightly”, he added. — DayakDaily
