Joint church prayer service a cherished tradition in police force, says Sarawak CP

Hundreds attending the ‘Kebaktian Agama Kristian PDRM Kontinjen Sarawak Sempena Sambutan Peringatan Hari Polis Ke-217’ held this morning (April 24, 2024) at the St Francis Church in Kota Samarahan.

By Wilfred Pilo and Ashley Sim

KUCHING, April 24: The joint church prayer service held in conjunction with the 217th Police Day has become a cherished tradition in the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) because Christian police officers can pray for the well-being of themselves and their families, teams, society, and country.

In stating this, Sarawak police commissioner Dato Mancha Ata said the prayer service was also a venue to express gratitude to God for his love, which has given police officers health, safety, and blessings to uphold the peace and prosperity of the country.


“It has become a significant ceremony for fostering relationships among Christians in the team, while also emphasising the spiritual and welfare values within every level of PDRM officers and personnel,” said Mancha during the ‘Kebaktian Agama Kristian PDRM Kontinjen Sarawak Sempena Sambutan Peringatan Hari Polis Ke-217’ held this morning at the St Francis Church in Kota Samarahan.

In his brief address, he also emphasised the need of remembering and paying tribute to the courageous police officers and personnel who have given their lives protecting the nation.

Taking the opportunity, Mancha announced the donation of a “Love Gift” from the Sarawak Contingent PDRM Christian Association to the disabled children of the Sarawak Cheshire Home. — DayakDaily
