Jln Selangan Batu residents promised land titles if PH wins state elections

Chong (in white shirt) receiving the platter of prosperity during the lion dance performance at the Chinese New Year gathering at Jalan Selangan Batu this morning (Feb 9, 2020).

By Malcolm Lau

KUCHING, Feb 9: Residents of Jalan Selangan Batu have been promised they will have their land titles if Pakatan Harapan (PH) wins in the coming election.

“When I was the MP of Kuching City, I applied to Kuching South City Council (MBKS) to upgrade the roads in the village but was rejected because it is on state land,” Sarawak Democratic Action Party (DAP) chief Chong Chieng Jen said during the Chinese New Year celebration at Jalan Selangan Batu this morning.


“Some of the old villagers who had stayed in this area for 50 years are still unable to get the land titles.”

According to Chong, he will make sure that the people will get their land titles if PH wins the upcoming state election.

“I will upgrade the infrastructure of the village and apartments will be built for the people of this land to stay,” Chong added.

He said that he will make sure that only people of the area will be eligible to buy the apartments. — DayakDaily
